国際社会における「平和の実現」です。今をいきる私たちは、 先人が残してくれた有形・無形の財産の中で生きています。今をいきる私たちが残すべきものは、未来へより善いバトンを繋ぐことです。そのためには、一人ひとりを認め合い、活かしあえるしあわせ社会の実現が不可欠であると考えます。性別、年齢、障害の有無、人種を越えて、みんなが仲良く、豊かに暮らせることを第一に考え、美しい地球づくりに邁進することが、わたしたちが志すインクルージョン社会です。
What kind of inclusive society do we picture in our mind?
The answer is a “materialization of peace” in an international society. We live in the present created by the material and spiritual heritage of our ancestors.The thing that we should leave behind for the future generations is something that will connect to a better future. In order to realize that, it is necessary for each and every one of us to acknowledge and motivate each other.The kind of inclusive society we picture in our mind is the kind of society where we all strive together towards the creation of a beautiful world where everyone, regardless of their gender, age, presence or absence of a dissability, nationality, can happily live together.

What is the Inclusion festival?
A festival for the future,where children play the main role. Setting „building a sustainable society” as its pillar, it is a festival created with everyone’s help. By spreading these kinds of initiatives, we aim for the implementation and realization of an inclusive society.